Saturday 22 August 2009

Trieste and It's lovely people-1

I had an unbelievable 3 days in Trieste. The first day we arrived there with Serena and had our lunch at Scarpon. If you go Trieste go there and have pasta with sea food. It was the best I've ever had. It is not the only thing we had but I will not write all :)
After lunch we walked around, had some coffee, did some shopping and said bye to each other.

Then I headed up to the Castello di St. Guisto.
This is Trieste from the Castello di St. Guisto's window.

After the castel I went to the Napoleonica for walking. It was already 7:30 so I couldnt spend much time, just did 1,5h walking in there. But I like the idea, in the city there is a lovely path. You can do walking, jogging... By the time I left there, it was already dark.

The next day, early in the morning I met with the group, we splitted into groups and got on cars. Serena arranged this tour for me, thanks her again.
We stopped at a Rifugi(hut). Then started for 4h trekking to Mount Matajur. After 2,5h we reached to the summit.
Matajur is on border of Italy and Slovenia and Austria.

Below you see my picture, my left side is in Slovenia, right side is in Italy :)
After we left M.Matajur we we went to river to swim :) I didn't know this plan so didn't have my swimming suit with me. But Anna had two pairs and gave one to me :)
After good swimming we went to a pizzeria and of course had a pizza. We had a nice chat during the dinner, we talked and laughed a lot. Yana, she is Ukranian and a ballet teacher, asked me, if I wanted to spend Sunday with her? We promied to meet at 9am. She would come to my hotel at 9. Then they drived me to my hotel.
The next, at 9 she was there waiting for me....

Wednesday 12 August 2009

FerraGosto, Trieste, couch and trekking

Next Monday the 17th is holiday at WFP, in lieu of 15th. It is FerraGosto. And I am not missing this opportunity to do some excurtions and going to Trieste (then Venice). Trieste is a city on the north-east part of Italy, has good trekking possibilities, the activity which I like most.
But I made my mind very late and till now couldn't find a guided trekking and a couch yet.
I forgot my GPS in Istanbul, my friend (actually my boss in Turkey) will come to Rome and bring it but on 17th Monday. But it is late for this trip, of course. It is good to have a GPS, espacially when you are trekking on the mountains which you don't know well. Anyway, If I can't find anything I will do my best and will try to do some on my own :) Lets see.

If you ask what FerraGosto is, it is Assumption Day, Assumption of Mary. And here in İtaly it is kind of festival.
From wikipedia "The Assumption of Mary is the traditional belief held by Christians of the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Anglo-Catholic, and some Protestant churches that the Virgin Mary at the end of her life was physically taken up into heaven. ..."
If you want to read more click the above link.